To ensure that the spread of infectious diseases is kept to a minimum and children’s health is promoted the following guidelines are implemented into centre practise.
- If a child presents as unwell on arrival, parents will be encouraged to keep their child away from the centre until they are well again.
- If a child becomes unwell while attending the centre, they will be moved away from other children. We will then contact the parents to collect the child. If we are unable to contact the parent we will contact one of the emergency contacts on the enrolment form to collect the child.
- In the event of a child having an accident or serious illness while attending the centre, we will seek medical attention immediately. The parent will be notified of this and all relevant information.
- In the event of a child receives a knock to their head which requires initial first aid treatment, we will inform the parent by telephone contact. The information will be documented in the accident book.
- It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that up-to-date phone numbers for each child’s parents and doctor are on file in the event of an emergency. Reminders for parents to do this will be included in a newsletter at least once a year.
- Thermometers will only be used with written permission from parents.
- Any child or staff member who is suffering from an infectious disease must not attend the centre while affected.
- If a child has had either vomiting or diarrhoea they may not attend until 48 hours after the last incident. This is a Ministry of Health requirement which the centre strongly observes.
- In the event of an outbreak of an infectious disease parents will be notified through notices displayed in the entrance office. Parents of un-immunised children will be notified personally.
- Parents will be informed if their child has head lice and encouraged to treat. However the centre cannot exclude any child with head lice. The centre undertakes preventative procedures on a weekly basis to minimise risk of spreading.