Our Programme

Kaiako (in partnership with tamariki and their whānau) plan and offer experiences following a tamaiti directed learning approach.

Individual and group learning experiences occur regularly throughout the daily programme. Routines (particularly in the nursery) are considered very valuable and play an important role within the daily programme also.

Various displays around the centre share information on valuable learning.

Curriculum experiences offered to all children reflect the principles, strands and goals of Te Whariki – the early childhood curriculum. Management and kaiako have a commitment to inclusive practice and all tamariki and whānau are welcomed and supported at the centre. The centre encourages an awareness and appreciation of the bi-cultural heritage of our country and supports the use of Te Reo Maori as a living language. We acknowledge the principle of partnership, participation and protection inherent in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Physical movement and experiences are a core part of our daily programme.

“Moving is an essential part of a child’s day and has direct benefits helping children establish foundation skills for learning” (Gill Connell).

For example many experiences such as messy play and climbing, help to develop and strengthen children’s fine motor development required for holding pencils and writing.

Each tamaiti has their own learning journey book, which incorporates significant interests, events and learning. Whānau are encouraged to contribute to these books also, sharing and documenting relevant and special experiences and information. Together we can make the preschool years a valuable and memorable time of their lives. The documentation within the learning journey books will reflect this.

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