Welcome to Redwood Early Childhood Centre, we are a well established preschool and nursery and have been a part of the community since the 1970’s.
Our environment is:
- Homely
- Unhurried, peaceful and calm
- Friendly and welcoming – manaakitanga
- Children are happy and engaged
- Supports consistent conflict resolution
- Respect for children, teachers and whānau – whakamana
- Relationships fostered, nurtured and maintained – whanaungatanga
- Equal opportunities for all children
- Teachers being “in-tune” with each other
We consider ourselves to be very lucky to be situated amongst many great facilities, including the park, tennis courts and library, all of which we try to incorporate regular visits to. These visits are made achievable and more regular with the support of parents/caregivers.
Our Centre Beliefs
Relationships Whanaungatanga
Relationships are central to the culture of our centre. Relationships take priority and are woven throughout every aspect of the centre.
We place high importance on establishing and fostering responsive, reciprocal relationships between everyone who is part of our centre whānau. On enrolling into the nursery/preschool tamariki (and their whānau) first establish a relationship with a primary caregiver/devoted kaiako. These relationships also help to support tamariki later as they continue on their journey transitioning from the nursery to the preschool and then onto school in the later years
Sustainability Kaitiakitangi
High importance is placed on creating and sustaining respect for the natural environment, this is done through many ways including;
- Composting food scraps and waste
- Recycling all paper, paper towels, and other relevant materials
- Growing and maintaining an edible garden with the support of our families
- An awareness and implementation of eco friendly practices
- encouraging recycling in our play environments
- Sun safety
We are especially proud of our garden which enriches children’s working knowledge and theories around the living world and emphasises the relationship between us and our environment. On many occasions the tamariki cut, prepare and eat food made direct from our garden, providing additional learning opportunities for healthy eating.
Diversity/respect Manaakitanga
Management and kaiako have a commitment to inclusive practice and all tamariki and their whānau are welcomed and supported at the centre. We work in partnership with whānau and support agencies such as the champion centre to support children’s individual needs.
We believe that respect is a valuable disposition that underpins all of our actions and beliefs. When respect is modeled it can be reciprocated by all.